8) Damn Crazy Mission trips!
OK, another Quickie Quebecie story. This is actually the first time I have ever been assaulted by a student in all the years I have been doing these projects.
We were in clinic one day and I noticed that this one girl had various patches of tape on different parts of her body. Exposed body parts that is, I do not know much about the unexposed parts (an “x” on the clavicle, a strap around the wrist, etc.). Actually I had noticed the patches for several days. I finally went up to her and said “Whats up with all the tape?” She said “Different parts of my body ‘urt and my roommate is into taping so she is treating me”. I said “That’s cool!”
Any way later on in the day this same student came over to me and asked me if I could help her with a case. It turns out that she pretty much had finished up the consult and was just needing some help on wrapping it up because she was not understanding what the patient was saying. So I began to speak to the patient in whom the patient asked a few questions about her low back pain, treatment and follow up and I answered her questions accordingly in Spanish. Any way after the patient went away the student anxiously tugged at my sleeve and said “What did you tell her, what is she going to do?” I said “Well, she did not think her treatment was enough so I told her to go home and put some tape on it and she would start feeling better! Heh-heh.” Of course I was quite amused with myself until I saw her reach up and slap me on the back of the head. It made this big slapping sound as I do not have that much hair on that part of my body to protect myself. At least I can say that those who were standing around us thought the whole seen was comical. That poor girl gave me a lot of mileage for personal entertainment the whole visit. Yes, the whole world does exist for my personal entertainment!
_____________________________________________________________ Yah, I thought you would like that one. Or anything else that evolves me getting my arse kicked by a female, even if it is by a Quickie Quebecie. Sort if reminds me of the movie “Time Bandits” with the Napoleon Bonaparte character saying “Hee-hee, I like to watch little things….. hitting each other!” After his favorite puppeteer get shot by a near by raging battle.
Sorry about that disc. I think I wrote myself a note on my hand saying “Send these CD’s to the US” but after grabbing several frosty ones the condensation on the glass must of smeared off the “CD’s”. I actually thought you might enjoy Yesterdays Ring better at least I did. It is a little more Johnnie Cashie with a Canadian punk twist and a raspy voice. Actually Yesterdays Ring is what I wanted you to have more that Arctic Monkeys which was just an extra. Oh well. I will give you a burn as soon as you get here. Unless you can get one from your son. He might already have a copy since he s really into music.
As far as the clinics go I am back to thinking about going back to Verbo. I think that we can keep it on the DL enough so that it will be a good clinic but at the same time keep our relations up with them. California will not be able to come till the beginning of next year as it is looking now.
What you need is a mirror at your office. You can refer your worst students over to your evil twin who sits beside you every day. So you are loosing your assistant. That sucks. I think for future assistants you should put in a pregnancy clause into their contracts.
Are you guys going out camping on the new motorcycle? Tammy and I are planning to go mountain climbing/hiking with the Rotaract kids on the first week of October. 8,500 feet to 17,500 feet. This is how Tammy wants to celebrate her birth day. You know she just aint been quite right lately. Tammy has gotten pretty good at hiking. I do not know how I will fair. We plan to put the kids on a plane to Santa Cruz to visit their grandparents. Thomas thinks that it is a cool idea. Maddy is not sure quite yet.
I think we can swing the orphanage visits on Saturday.
Ok one more Quickie Quebecie story. One of the students who was this big x-hockey player named Freddy. He was a real ladies man if you know what I mean. Any way we were out on their free night and he was kicking heels up with the rest of them and a bunch of Bolivians, of course. So Freddy as I called him up to that point after a drink or five comes up to me with his new little girlfriend, a big grin, and says “Eh, how do you say? Um… I think I will need a key to a different room tonight” I then responded to him “Eh, how do you say?......Um…No!” But he really was warming up the girls that night, that is how he earned his nick name “François the Spa”. Now that I think about it it sounds kinda yucky.
Not very well known facts: Did you know that in all the Sherlock Holmes novels he is never described as wearing the Deerstalker hat that he is famous for. This was put in by Sydney Paget who was an illustrator for the books after they were written.
Also the famous line “Elementary my dear Watson” never appears in any Sherlock Holmes novel. This line first appeared much later in Hollywood movies.
How did the Umberto Eco Novel go?
Three Religiions

Facing the wall