I must say that I was popular once again with the group that left. They love me cuz I am free. That and because I dropped your name on an occasion as well. They taught me how to say “Ginny rocks!” in French.
Any way I got a call from Jon Medina “the translator” and he informed me that his “favorite” Canadian student had called him and told him that she had left some of her things in the guest house. The conversation went something like this: John- “Hey Dude, Corinne just called me and told me that she had left a t-shirt and her Winnie the pooh pants at the house”
Rusty- “Oh, you mean the ones with the extra large size ass!?!”
John- “Yah, anyway she wants you to send them to her.”
Rusty- “Ok, little buddy, I am on it! Consider those things in the mail! (clunk, the sound of the phone being hung up). Now lets see where was I…. Ah yes…How do I calculate the circumference of my navel? Whets this? A pea?!? What are you doing in there you little bastard…heh-heh. Now what was that I was supposed to do? Oh well if it was important I am sure that I will remember it.”
Well I am sure that you are wondering what I am doing with my time besides dealing (or not dealing) with John and his full seated chiropractic girlfriends. Not much besides seeing patients and warning Claudia the other translator that she should not be trying to take peoples shirts off. She was quite successesful with a Palmer intern back in Feb. on the dance floor. She tried again with me when SCU was here at the bowling alley. This of course pissed me off so I rebuked her! I did not have another attempt against my garments until this last trip when that crazy little Frenchman Canadian supervising Doctor Parr got drunk one Saturday night and pulled up my shirt in front of the whole group. Of course Tammy was an accomplice. She held my poor drunk arms back. There was like 30 people just in our group and Tammy was the only one sober so of course. Tammy and Dr. Parr got a cheer. Once again my body was sacrificed for the glory of others. I wonder if little Mr. Pea was in my naval at the time?
So Tammy tells me that you are having problems with Jay not going to meetings huh. Perhaps I should not have given him permission to skip. I told him that the meetings were just Ginny standing up in front pontificating “Blah-blah-blahing”. I told him that he would be better off just staying at home with a bowl of Fruit loops and a stack of Twinkies watching old re-runs of “Rocky and Bullwinkle”. Although I did tell him to stay away from the Cheetos because the artificial cheese will stick to your fingers to the point where you are having to constantly lick your fingers which will start to prune after a while. Not cool!
I must say that I actually feel kind of sorry for the only female student comming…come to think of it, I kind of feel sorry for you too. Being alone with all those guys and me. You know its going to be a “beef stew” party every night.
Going back to Jay, I really did not tell him to skip the meetings. Actually what you should do is apply the “Penis showing game” rules to him. Every time he misses a meeting that is worth 2 kicks in the ass. If some guy in the group gets Jay to look at his beared genitalia (the other participants not Jays own genitalia) you call him a fag and kick him in the ass. If Jay is suckered into looking at a “brain” you call him a fag and kick him in the ass twice. If he is dooped into looking at a “batwing” you call him a fag and that is worth 3 kicks in the ass and so on. But the mother of all genitalia bearing is the “goat” and that is worth six kicks in the ass and, of course, calling him a fag. I get all giddy thinking about just hanging out with all guys. I am sure that you are disappointed by the fact that you will not be able to participate in this game as you are a woman. Better bring a copy of HHGG with you. It maybe the longest trip yet. Don’t worry though. Tammy will try to protect you. How successful she will be time will only tell.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall