So I have been working out at this gym for a little while now and it has become an interesting experience. I have now been accepted in this little community which has its good and bad elements. For instance I have been included in the Christmas drawing which the gym has put together. I have also been included in the Christmas card signing and exchange.
But there are other parts that are not so good. For the most part the guys respect each other in the gym. But it is the girls that are the problem. Worse yet are the little college girls. They all sort of hang around each other in a little yellow group of bananas. Once they get to know you they think that they have license to say anything they want. So today the trainer put me on a machine close to the group of bananas (which was a cruel and inhumane act in and of itself) and loaded me to the gills with weight . So all the while I am struggling there with whatever the trainer was doing to me I have this constant annoying itch in one ear “Oh, come on Rusty you can do it! You’re a big boy don’t give up! Ha-ha-ha-ha.” They said this all the while puckering their faces into ludicrous falsehoods of sympathy as they practiced their treacherous womanhood. “Good set Rusty, obviously it’s the tattoo that’s doing it for ya! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I need to get me one too. Heh-heh.” I kept on wishing that the group would move on to a different station but they persevered “Why is your face all red Rusty? If that is too hard, maybe you should work out with Dulce today. She’s doing legs. Its only a 250 pound squat! Ha-ha-ha!”
Of course all of the guys tend to run and hide while there is one guy who is getting badgered. It is too risky to hang around the bananas once they get going. There is a danger of becoming a target yourself. It is a herd type mentality, when one goes down you just keep running and thank God that it was not you who went down. So I was left to myself to shoulder the brunt of fained sympathy and severe femininity.
I would have picked up a dumbbell and thrown it at these diabolical vixens but the effects of the “Gym Polio” (an actual scientific diagnosis, by the way) were starting to set in and muscle failure was imminent. The bananas are not stupid. They’ll find you at your weakest point and prey on you. Resistance is futile!
I have also learned not to talk about previous workouts that have left me sore the day after because if one or more of the bananas gets wind of this weakness these evil ones will use it for their own evil feminine purposes. Instances have been documented where one will jab a finger right into the belly of a muscle swollen with lactic acid. This of course this will send the poor male that is attached to said muscle into a recoil of pain. These people are indeed criminal.
I will not even start with the grandmas in the gym. They tend to be the fondlers. But here in Latin America respect for age is much stricter. You kind of have to let the grandmas do as they please.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall