Captains Blog: Fire in the hole!
As you all know it has been a while since I have sent out a blog. I have been very busy as of late. I just had a mission group of chiropractors. Anyway, I have also has “Bloggers Block”. It is usually in times like this I turn to Air supply for inspiration.
Anyhow, our mission group was a combined group with a part from LA and the other from Quebec. It was lots of fun and an extra ordinary time. Most of the group was made up of students. I always have a lot of fun with students. They usually are the most flexible people to work with. So flexible I had one student show me how she could jump up in the air and kick her self in the head. A formidable talent on any account. Once she showed us this act of heroism she then became one of the most popular girls on the trip.
“I can make the run or stumble, I can make the final block;And I can make every tackle, at the sound of the whistle,I can make all the stadiums rock.”
There were several guys in the group who decided that they would pay solid North American currency just for the chance to be kicked in the head by her. I, on the other hand decided that I needed to conserve as many brain cells as possible as there has been enough loss in the past for completely different reasons. Once word got around on this particular side show more young women came out to state that they as well possessed this particular god given gift. The other talents that were discovered on this trip were the raw muscular strength showed by one of the other trip participants. Although I was not present at the particular moment this young man in the midst of gastro spasms and paroxysms was able to pull a toilet seat clean off the floor.
“Do you really want to see me crawl?”
All were very impressed, I must say.
I will never forget the gentle sonorous snoring of my good friend Tony though. Gin (his roommate) also comes to mind when I think of Tony.
“I can make tonight forever, Or I can make it disappear by the dawn;And I can make you every promise that has ever been made,And I can make all your demons be gone.”
There are still a few questions that still remain in my mind though. One is it that whenever I would say that new French phrase that I learned from Sandra, Andie and Mari-a-Sol…why would this always provoke Mitch into a groping frenzy with me as the subject? And why would Dan, Craig, and Jorge (pronounced “whore-hey”) always seem to grope me without any French provocation at all?
“And I know just where to touch you, and I know just what to prove;I know when to pull you closer, and I know when to let you loose.”
Still the height of the whole visit was when about 10-12 of us were sitting around the fire barrel talking and relaxing under the stars. I was of course wearing my smoking jacket and scarf which is always accompanied with my pipe. I was making witty banter of what. I do not remember but you can be sure it was highly intellectual. Then, all of a sudden, I was presented with a small package of fire crackers. The particular type of firecrackers were called “Mata-suegras” or “Mother-in-law killers”. I have to admit that I really do not know who handed them to me as I was quite taken by my own emotions at the particular moment. My first impulse was to just throw the package into the fire but sweet Mother of good judgment stepped in. I then proceeded to drowned her with the bottle of beer I had in my hand and chucked the package into the fire anyway. (we shant be hearing from her anytime soon). The reaction from the group was incredible! I have never seen a group of chiropractors move so fast in my life. Seats were turned over and it was a fight for survival as everybody tried to put as much distance from themselves and the fire barrel as quickly as possible. It was truly a splendid event. The athletic entertainment could not be topped even by a professional planned event by a multi-million dollar organization. The culture was unsurpassed. Generations will talk about this for years to come! The ancient Creek Athenians would have founded some kind of event for this occurrence and named a God after it I am sure. Those silly little pantheists…what will they think of next!
”You can take the darkness from the pit of the nightand turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright.I've got to follow it, 'cause everything I know,well it's nothing till I give it to you.”
Oh…and the mission part of the trip was good too!
So to all my new Canadian and Los Angelino friends…Keep on….
“(Makin’ love) out of nothing at all!!!”
Chiropracticly all yours,
PS, Apparently while I was gone for the weekend Johnnie the secretary had Tammy make the announcement to all of you that him and his girlfriend have broken up. I guess now he as well will be “(Making love) TO nothing at all”
Three Religiions

Facing the wall