”At the beginning of God’s creating of the heavens and the earth,
when the earth was wild and waste,
darkness over the face of Ocean,
rushing-spirit of God hovering over the face of the waters –“
This is an interesting translation from the original Hebrew text which is Genesis 1:1. This is the very beginning of Moses’ first five books, the “Pentituck”. It is said to be one of the closest word-for-word translations that can be found. I found it to be very sexual. We see both male and female images represented. God the male and then the Waters the female which is literally the beginning of human life…a man and a woman together. God hovers over the face of the Waters and life…no, the world begins.
Moses new his women! Some of you know what it is like to be on a surf bourd sitting in the water waiting for a wave. The water is very unpredictable in this situation. When you see a wave coming you have seconds to make a decision. This is whether to paddle on to it or to let it go. In the event that you do make the decision to ride you then must know how to read the wave. How fast should you paddle in order to catch the wave at the optimum spot to get to your feet down and stand and which way is the wave breaking. These decisions are made in fractions of seconds. It is only by experience that you can do this. It is mostly by instinct. Such is the woman. She is water. You must learn to know where she will break and from there use your instincts to know which way she is going. Guys, I tell you this cuz she aint going to tell you! You have to feel her and know her and when she rises you have to know how fast to move (how fast she is moving as well) and know which way she is going. If you screw this up you will end up getting crushed by thousands of gallons of water. I remember multitudes of times when this happened to me. A wave would crush me head down to the board and I would loose all orientation my body would literally be spun head over heels under merciless water with nothing to breath. It takes more time than you could imagine to figure out which direction is up, toward the beloved next breath that you will desperately fight for. This my friend is the woman! But if you catch her at the right time and the right place she will give you one the most exilerating rides that nature can provide!
One last beer and I am done. I swear!
A movie: “A scanner darkly”, K. Reeves, W. Ryder, R. Downy Jr. and W. Harilson. This was a movie filmed with real actors and then animated. This is probably because this is the only way that you can get a decent theatrical performance out of Reeves. But I recommend it more for Downy Jr. and Harilson. They are fuuuuuckiiiiiiig funny! They remind me of old college roommates. You know, the ones that when you are sitting in the living room of your crampt apartment and you over hear from the other room your roommate giving his girlfriend the old “Donald Rumsfield”. That is “Oh yah baby! You have all the protection you need right here.”. It was in times like these the TV volume just could not make it quite high enough.
A book: “The Kite Runner”. A modern portrait of Afghanistan. A great read!
In other news, I spilt a beer on my laptop yesterday. Freaked me out! But praise be to Alas the machine works as good as it ever has and it and never smelled better!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall