Sunday I was having a conversation with my good buddy Gym. We were talking about this and that when randomly Gym mentioned the first mass baptism that he presided over. Maybe it was not so random cz I probably talking about the impending ordination of my father. Yah I am sure that was it. Anyhoo I was probably going on about how my father also thought when I was an adolescent it would be good if I studied theology of some sort but I never did. So instead of being ordained myself my father is now doing it for the second time for me (a good way of brushing away loose ground, if you will). But this time it will be in the Anglican Church. Which actually I think is a pretty good compromise. Anyway Gym popped the information that he had been ordained by mail order by some church in Modesto, California. Apparently this entitles him to Baptisms, marriages and funerals. Upon hearing this I may have spit out what ever was in my mouth which I am sure had some kind of alcoholic base. At first I was appalled but then the real genius of this sunk in (as revelations tend to do) I new he was right.
I now look at my ex-hippy friend Gym with a new respect. He will be now be referred as Rev. Gym in all future e-mails and not so much as Capt. Gym or Generalisismo Sancho Juancho. But, of course, it will all depend on reference. Although this made me reconsider once again that maybe I really should replace my relationships with morphine and chocolate cz I can’t take this pain anymore.
Perhaps this dog has gone on to ordain other dogs as well. Perhaps there is a community by now. Boy! I wonder if this is the first time that Rev. Gym has ever had a dog colleague. Of course there was the time he volunteered for NASA for some extra cash and they put him in that capsule with that monkey. When the monkey pushed the right buttons dried nuts and fruit came out of a dispenser. But when gym pushed the correct buttons he got some drug mechanically injected into his leg. Of course this was some kind of experimental drug so Rev. Gym got the benefits of both worlds and NASA killed 2 birds with one stone.
Any way did you know that Rev. Gym kicked Father Mokayhee off of the TV game show "Tick Tack Doe" back in the 70's? Apparently the good Father was trying to make money for an orphanage and had a pretty good run and was almost to meet his needed amount for the poor kids. But after Rev. Gyms victory he said he just needed to "Get the hell out of town"!
Also Tammy will be having some of her friends over to the house for a girl’s night in. I was told that definitely no Rustys allowed. This makes me miss you and Juhie and the others cz I know that “The Fatties” would defiantly show more grace to me.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall