The other day I was walking through the house and I heard a blood curdling scream. I went to Thomas’ room from which the noise came from. I entered just in time to see a Star Wars “light saber” being held by a little sheep beanie baby being used to run a “Rescue Heroe” through. Luckily the light saber did not actually go through the body of the rescue heroe but just under his arm because they were just “pretending”. I felt much relief with this because I do not know what would possess a beanie baby sheep to commit a homicide act against a rescue heroe.
Anyway I have got a new “stupid Rusty story” for ya. I know that you will love any story that involves me being physically or emotionally abused by a female or being conquered by the elements of my own mental incapacities. Well you will be interested to know that I made some interesting discoveries the other day with a new circular electric saw that I bought. After purchasing the machine I took it home and found that I had to mount the blade myself. I thought that this would be doable considering that it is done by rednecks every day. So I put it on and went to work. I got a piece of wood and started into it. I thought “Wow, this sure is cutting awfully slow and it making a lot of smoke. SO I just pushed harder and harder and then all of a sudden the blade just stops spinning. I then thought “Damn, imported piece of shit! I am going to take this back Monday. As soon as I got it back to the shop I got it from I explained my complaint on the quality of the machine that I had purchased is said establishment. The guy behind the counter looked at the saw and said “Well here’s your problem right here. Looks like when you put the blade on you did not put it between the rubber holding clamp washers and the only thing that is holding the blade in place is this crappy little bolt. You lucky to be alive boy! What the hell! The blades even on backwards. Did you actually try sawing a piece of wood with this machine?” I said “Of course not! My wife assembled it after I told her to read the instructions and apparently she didn’t listen to me. You know how it is with women they think they can drive then they think they can operate power tools.” I just barely pulled out of that one. Anyway as soon as I got home I tried that saw yet again and it was amazing! That thing just burns through wood like warm butter!
Any way I think that we can try to do both the parade and the visits. I will be discussing this with Alfredo and Connie.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall