Captains Blog: This Wretched Year of Our Lord
So I had a pretty decent day today. I went into town early to the Gym and talked to my weight trainer. He reminded me that I owed him a cell phone. I then told him that he should go with me down town today cuz I needed a new unit as well. The reason that I owe him a phone is because one day when I was at the gym and I needed him for a spot he was over “talking” to some leotard-retard. So I walked over to him with a 45 lbs dumbbell in one hand to put it back on the rack and “accidentally” slammed it into his thigh. The meat head obviously feeling my gift of stimulation tried to maintain a macho composure which kind of amused his little gym bunny buddy. About a minute later his cell phone gave a weak ring. He pulled it out of his pocket at which point it just disintegrated in his hand. I just kind of just stood there looking and said “That’s totally your fault!” I felt bad anyway so I told him I would take care of it. Anyway I told him to meet me at my office so we could go down together and get what we needed. So after the gym I went to the office and saw a couple of emergency patients and waited for him. Of course Mr. Meat-head never showed so I left alone. I decided to go on foot as the store was not so far away. On the way I decided to stop by the “Spitting Llama” which is right on the way. Now for those of you who do not know, the “Spitting Llama” is a backpacker trading post where you can purchase anything that backpackers usually require. Stock will usually include anything from compasses, back-pack repair kits to used books (both buying and trade-ins [at a minimal fee]). That is “The Spitting Llama” has a pretty good English section as well as German, Italian, and French.
Well I went in to do some compulsive shopping which is not part of my normal activities, but I decided it was time for something different. So when I was looking though the books I saw H.G. Wells’ “Time Machine” and I thought “That is so cool! This is something that Thomas and I can to do together.” We are both totally book nerds… is the whole family. Also I did find “The Revenge of Moriarty” I think I will save that one for x-mass. You know who you are. Just the same let me know if you have the book so I will not be wasting my time and 30bs, J
Anyway I made my way out of the “Spiting Llama” down to the cell phone store. As I walked in I was greeted by Monica the sales clerk. “Hey Rusty how ya doing? I haven’t seen you for…. how long has it been? It must be like…..3 weeks now. Let me show you to our disposable phone section. Hee-hee.” At this point I was loathing her existence. “Sometimes you want to go somewhere where everybody knows your name” MY ASS! I’m thinking “Move bitch! Get out-the way! I know where the unit is that I need! As if it was my first time here. Gawd!”
The one thing that I did notice is that she was wearing what I would call a low knit sweater. Now what the hell is that?! A sweater is to keep you warm right? Here in Bolivia we are right in the middle of winter and it is sweater weather outside. But to tell you the truth I could not really tell if this girl was cold or not.. No goose bumps or any other tell-tale signs that usually come with coldness. Probably because she was wearing a sweater….no matter how much cleavage she was sporting. I am just happy that Tammy was not there with me. She has this tendency want to make “boob talk”. She would have said something like (as she has in the past) “Did you see her breasts!!” and my response is of course “What (eh-hem, cough-cough)…you mean that girl over there? She’s got boobs?”. “Yeah, there amazing! They are just elevating themselves right there in your face!. I’m a woman and I want to reach out and grab them! Don’t you?!?!” Then me “Well, I uuh…..” Do you people see where I am going with this? What would Jesus do?!
A’yhoo, I got my phone and got the hell out of that den of inequity and cleavage. I then went to commit my favorite sin. BUYING PIRATED MUSIC!!!! I decided to pick up some of my favorite guitar slashing college heroes such as Sound Garden, Velvet Revolver, and Alice in Chains. I went to my collection this last week to look for a couple of these titles only to find out that I no longer had these in the library. Sometimes the miles of life actually tax you and subtract from your music. Anywho all this music activity was stimulated by other activities….basically this was the desecration of my old high-school buddy’s face-book page. That would be Jodie’s page. All-in-all it was $5.95 US well spent!
“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.” William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)
"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?" Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)
“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.” Hunter Thompson.
“If you go to a party, and you want to be the popular one at the party do this: Wait until no one is watching, then kick a burning log out of the fireplace onto the carpet. Then jump on top of it with your body and yell. “Log o’ fire! Log o’ fire!” I’ve never done this, but I bet it would work.” Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
Have a great week!!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall