
Take a look at the world through my eyes.

The Disclaimer

I must apologize for the lack of congruency of some of these blogs. I actually started writing these at the beginning of 2006. These were only blogcasted through a closed circuit of e-mail friends who every now and then responded. I tried to keep as many responses as possible. But unfortunately many have been lost. This at times will make some blogs seem kind of chopped up.
If you are offended or insulted by the content of any of these blogs, my apologies. But then again, perhaps it is just what you needed!
Also if you find your name in any of these blogs I am obviously talking about somebody else with the same name. You’re not the center of the universe you know. Gaud!!!
Proper spelling is not something that I have ever really understood. I really do not know how this particular activity ever came into existence. Therefore I do not participate.

The Blog Cast

All blogs written by the author are broadcast via e-mail. If you are interested in getting "The Blog Cast" please contact Rusty at rustyfirestone@gmail.com so he can add you to the list.

Rusty the Baby

Rusty the Baby
My first blog!

Three Religiions

Three Religiions
Facing the wall

Sunday, April 5, 2009 "I bet you forgot about me!!"

Forgive me reader for I have sinned, it has been 9 months since my last blog. Or something like that…anywho as some of you may or may not know I have been having health issues. I have been battling hepatitis A. It was interesting that I was chatting with a friend of mine and she was asking me how I got it. After I was explaining to her how one gets hepatitis A, which what is called a fecal-oral transmission (Basically you are eating other peoples poop cuz they ain’t washin’ they hands!) my friend responded in a “Yeah I know how you get hepatitis but what I want to know is how did you get yours?”. I this point I did not know what to say. My mind wondered to many superhuman ways that I could have gotten this disease. Perhaps an asteroid came flying in from outer-space and struck me a la Monster vs Alians and then contaminated me with hepatitis A. Or perhaps there is a strange lab near my domicile which is doing strange experiments in the middle of the night and some how I was contaminated that way. But alas I believe I got it from eating cheap food that I bought from a local street vender who had no running water to wash up which is pretty much everybodies story who contracts this disease. Dirty hands-dirty food. I lead such a boring life.
On the other hand though I have found yet another way to torment my friends in the fact that I was handed the web site of a church in which a friend of mine is the pastor. I checked the site and it has a section where he post his sermons. As I am a junkie for most anything in print I could not help but stop and read several of the sermons. Also the designer of the site made the mistake of putting a section into the page for posting comments for all his congregation to see. :-D Moo-hoo-ha-ha-ha!!! http://www.knoxpasadena.org/index.html.
Anywho I spent most of the weekend reading, downloading music, watching communist movies by Iron Weed Productions, and fudsin’ around in the garden.
How was your weekend?

“What is it about a beautiful sunny afternoon, with the birds singing and the wind rustling through the leaves, that makes you want to get drunk?”
Jack Handey

Raoul Duke: [narrating] We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like:
Raoul Duke: I feel a bit lightheaded. Maybe you should drive.
Fear and Loathing