Last night I reluctantly took my nine year old son Thomas to see the Globe Trotters. They are in town as part of their world tour being led by their Point Guard “Special K” or was it “Circle K”, perhaps it was “The Big O”? No-no I am sure it was some kind of North American breakfast cereal belted out by Kellogs or General Mills. I do have to admit that Mr. Lucky Charms spoke impressive Spanish though.
While I sat there I found there high-jinx to be quite silly. Trust me I am an expert when it comes to stupid humor. I was sitting there kind of staring when I heard Thomas explode with laughter. I looked over at him and thought “I guess that’s where the genius is……Hey! I wanna laugh like that!” Just on that small notion I instantly was hee-hawing with Thomas.
I do still contend that the GT’s are missing a white man on their team. The only white people I saw were basically the team that toured with them to play against them. I kept on thinking “Why do they just keep full court pressing them even when the GT’s just keep running around in figure “8”s while passing the ball back and forth really fast between them all the while making the white boys look like idiots?” I wanted to yell “Dudes their making monkeys out of you! The full court press when the GT’s are doing that figure ‘8’ thing is not a good idea!” But of course nobody would have listened to me. The white boys fell for that trick about 10-12 times during the game. White guys are so lame!
Then there was the time that Special K was injured. He had to be carried off the court all the while he was sporting this horrible look of agony on his face. Then about 20 minutes later the announcer yelled with amazement that Cap’in Crunch was better and that he could play again. Then with an explosion of a dry ice cloud and the rhythms of Survivors “Eye of the Tiger” Fruit Loops (Or what ever his name is” came trotting back onto the court. Thomas at this point turned to me and said “He really was never hurt was he?” I then answered “Probably not, I even have my doubts about the credentials of that health care professional that pronounced him not fit to play. Mainly by the way he is now franticly yelling at the score board person presently…but that’s just me.”
Every time the GT’s made one of their amazing baskets or slam dunks Thomas would instantly look up at the score board and say “Wow Dad, the Globe Trotters are really beating those white guys!” At this point Thomas and I were happy not to associate ourselves with those loser-lamo white guys. So today Thomas and I will be laying out in the sun much more than usual.
Have a great 4th all.!
“Broken promises don’t bother me. I just think, ‘Why do they believe me?’” Jack Handey
Three Religiions

Facing the wall