I decided to take my “Deluxe Cat Flap” to a carpenter who is making me a few new doors. In doing so I requested that he incorporate in this cat door into one of the human (Homo-Saipan “Yo, I ain’t down wid dat”) doors. After I had explained what I wanted to the carpenter he gave me this strange look like “What will you sick-perverted gringos think of next. Why in the hell would you want small animals just entering your house at random”. I then sensed his discomfort using my very acute super power of intercultural sensitivity. It was at this point that I gave him my best Spanky wink to relax him and to let him know that everything was cool! But for some reason this did not seem to put the poor bastard at ease. I really do not know why this did not work as it has always worked for Spanky. Could it be that all my years in putting faith in the Little Rascals has led me astray? Naaahhh!
Speaking of the cat, I was watching her yesterday “off” a gerbil/guinea pig. It reminded me of what Dan from LA told me once that house cats are the most vicious feline killers there are. Most animals in the feline class only kill for defense or for food. But the common house cat is the only one that kills for pleasure. So I thought of this as I watched Jack the Cat torturing this poor bleeding rodent. I had to turn my head even though you would think that I would be desensitized to this type of thing after seeing John Rambo. But it is just not true. Rambo did not blast any cute rodents. He just did a bunch of evil Burmese soldiers who were already going to hell anyway. I mean what do us as humans really care about them anyway.
Speaking about human, when Tammy got home today she told me to avoid the main route into town cuz there was a truck-driver fight going on in the middle of the road. So what did I do? You right! The redneck-hillbilly part of me says “This ain't som’in’ you wanna miss out on”. Sos I goes straightway to the wrastlin’ an’ cursin’. All the way there I could see some guys named Juancho and Claudino (typical Bolivian names) dukin’ it out. I was as giddy as a school girl. You know when you go to these events that you are always supposed to cheer for the guy who looks like he is loosing. Stuff like “Getem widcha good arm Juancho!”, “ Bite-em with that loose tooth Claudino!”, and last but not least “Get up Claudino…. what are you doing Juancho, keep kicking Claudino while he is down! No not there, you fool! In the crotch or the head! You will never get anywhere that way!”
Have a great weekend!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall