So this morning I went running down to give my children the regular scheduled morning assault that they have become accustomed to. The assault usually consists of my grabbing one of them and spinning them around then body slamming them back on their bed and head locking them with a nerd scobbing to the scalp. All this has been scientifically proven to be good for their circulation and bone development. Anywho as I was on my way down I was yelling “Here ah come!”. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Maddy standing there in her newly learned Karate stance. She had this look on her face that seemed to say “You bes’ run boy, cuz I’m gonna make it rain!”. This of course scared the bajeezes out of me. I was not expecting this. But this is what I get for agreeing with Tammy on the point of our children taking extracurricular physical educational classes for them to develop better neurologically. Now I’m soon to get my arse kicked by a little girl! I guess I will now have to take some kind of martial arts class myself to maintain tactical superiority. Or as Rev. Gym would say “Maintain the objective.” Or perhaps it would just be better to call in an air-strike on my own position with a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label.....nice and cheap like.
In other news I can’t believe my crabs are still alive! Wait I mean Thomas’ pet crab is still alive. I think that is what I mean. Also for personal entertainment I have taken to reading fictitious blogs. Pretty cool.
Comments recieved from this blog:
Rusty....your philosophical depth never ceases to amaze are surely a chiroprac-tor. Wait. That may be the wine talking.
I hope you get your ass kicked by a little girl, and that someone is around to video it for me to see! :)
(Lisa S.)
Yes I am sure that one day that little girl will Rodney King me but pray that I will always be at least taller than she.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall