Well it was an interesting thanks giving. I ended up going to the Bishops house for dinner. I was good but there were like 25 people there. We were kinda obligated to go cuz we were invited last year and I told Shawnie that we had another invitation so we could not do it that time but I then said that we would definitely go the next year. Well Shawny (the Bishops wife) remembered and informed us of our obligation. This was fine because they are people that we like spending time with. So we went. Although Yesterday I said to Tammy “Why don’t we just forget our plans and drop by Ron’s and Ginny’s this year? “ Tammy said “That would be fine but you would have to put some water in the radiator as it has been heating up as of late.” I then said “We will just go over to the Bishops then”
We got there and Shawny then announced to the group that everybody had to sit with somebody that was not a family member. So Thomas then took a seat between 2 adolescent girls who gladly welcomed him. (Gonna have to keep an eye on that one as he gets older) When I looked over the spread I head a little voice inside my head say “This is gonna hurt”. I then took a seat next to this girl I new and this other kid I had just met. The bad news here is that the girl was left handed and the boy was right handed so I kept on getting punched by 2 sharp elbows all through the dinner. As you know me I made the best of my situation. The conversation was of top quality as I shared with the table my different techniques on how to get over a hangover. Tammy I might add was pleased as I did not start to tell dirty jokes as is usually my custom at social events as these. So after unloading my plate about three times all the while making sure that wine bottle was never out of reach I started to feel “the anger”. As I excused myself I let everybody knows a time honored way of making room in your stomach for desert is to get up and start moving. It is this that helps the motility in your stomach and helps you burp to make space and also helps you get into good graces with your host as you help clear the table. (There is this technique along with the purge which is also popular at other kinds of parties). Anyhoo I went home and had the usual after thanksgiving crazy dreams all night long.
I got up the next morning and had an interesting experience. I went to the gym as is my usual custom (but this time with a ever so slight ringing in my ears) and I remembered that it was the ever detested leg day. I had put it off all week but there was no other routine left so I had to endure. So there I was sweating at the squat bar when I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and there was this little tight thing named “Dulce”. She then says to me “Can I work in with you?” Now you must understand that Dulce ways about 110Lbs/50kls and is only about 5’2”/156cm tall and has absolutely no bulk on her at all with a little “hourglass” figure. So I said to her “Sure I guess I don’t own the thing. Would you like me to lower the waits?” Then she says to me “No thanks step back and let me show you how it’s done little man!” So of course I have little choice but to obey. Then I saw with my own eyes Dulce get down under 225 Lbs/102kls (over twice her own body weight) and squat it ten times! She then put that bar back and turned to me and said in a sweet little voice “Your turn,” I then looked around to make sure that nobody else was there to see my shame only to behold almost every guy in the gym was starring with their mouths open in reverence and amazement. She ended up dong 3 sets that way. That’s enough to drive any man to steroids!
Anyway, so much for health. I hope all had a good holiday!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall