
Take a look at the world through my eyes.

The Disclaimer

I must apologize for the lack of congruency of some of these blogs. I actually started writing these at the beginning of 2006. These were only blogcasted through a closed circuit of e-mail friends who every now and then responded. I tried to keep as many responses as possible. But unfortunately many have been lost. This at times will make some blogs seem kind of chopped up.
If you are offended or insulted by the content of any of these blogs, my apologies. But then again, perhaps it is just what you needed!
Also if you find your name in any of these blogs I am obviously talking about somebody else with the same name. You’re not the center of the universe you know. Gaud!!!
Proper spelling is not something that I have ever really understood. I really do not know how this particular activity ever came into existence. Therefore I do not participate.

The Blog Cast

All blogs written by the author are broadcast via e-mail. If you are interested in getting "The Blog Cast" please contact Rusty at rustyfirestone@gmail.com so he can add you to the list.

Rusty the Baby

Rusty the Baby
My first blog!

Three Religiions

Three Religiions
Facing the wall

#29 Godot Airlines

29) Godot Airlines
So…”Waiting for Godot” a play. Tammy asked me if this one would deserve a blog. I guess that I will indulge her. As my friend Gym would describe the play it is a comment on absolute nothingness. This is very true but as I was reading it I noticed that this is only a part of what the author was trying to say, in my humble opinion. The dialogue was very amusing but led no where. I guess this is to be said about most modern art.
It is staged around two men standing next to a tree waiting for some person named Godot. It never said why they were waiting for Godot but that they were just waiting for him. As they waited there were a couple of strange visitors that came by that became part of the dialogue. These passer-byers were even stranger than the main characters. One followed the other holding a rope that was tied around the others neck. Apparently the one with the rope around his neck served as somewhat as a slave to the other.
Anyway the two main characters passed the day conversing on subjects that really made no sense. This continued till the end of the day when a fearful boy would show up and tell them that Godot was not going to show up. The boy would then promise that Godot would show up the next day. With that the scene would end. The next scene would start with the same two gathering at the tree again and starting all over. They would come in contact with the same other 2 characters but would seem to have hardly any recollection of the day before. They would then go through the day talking and being stupid till the end of the day with another no show of the ever elusive Godot. The boy would show up again and tell them to wait till tomorrow.
My question is the following: Is the author trying to say that this is how we live our lives? Do we go through our lives meaninglessly repeating the same thing over and over again day after day and then in the end nothing becomes of us? Also is this a really acid comment on Christianity? Are we waiting for somebody who will really never show but all the while we are accepting promises for tomorrow? Or is it as Gym asked “Is this a comment on the Bolivian Airlines, Lloyed Areo Boliviano (LAB)?” We are in fact waiting on an airline company that will never show up with and aircraft. It was then Gym suggested that we change the name LAB (Lloyed Aereo Boliviano) to GA (Godot Airlines). Bravo, Gym…..bra..vo!