Three Religiions

Facing the wall
# 23
This weekend I was over at my friends, Mr. Sissy Pants (Name changed to protect the innocent), apartment hanging out with him. While I was there I offered to put him on my blog broadcast. He then stated that blogs are for “homos”. I said “hmm” as I watched him go on expressing his own male manliness by playing some play station commando search-and-destroy kill-the-brown-man in the third world video game. I do have to admit that I thought it pretty cool when he showed me how he could blast his initials into a wall with an M16 and then erase it with an RPG. Mr. Sissy Pants is an American citizen as well. I wonder who he will vote for? It is interesting to mention that I and Sissies cousin (Calancho) went to the same high school in Mexico City. Hmm, I wonder if Henrietta’s young republican was Calancho. Nah, too much of a coincidence.It really does not matter who the ex-pats around here will vote for cuz the US Embasy never gets our registration and ballots here on time anyway. I usually get my ballot around the time they are announcing the winner of the election.FeO2