So I woke up this morning just before dawn with this really bright moon shinning in my eye. For those of you who have read my face book daily post you will know that my first thought was ¨I really want to play with fire.” Such a strange urge that I have not felt in a while. Anyway I looked around to see Tammy laying there at my side strangely pointing at something in her sleep. Was she trying to tell me something from the great nether world of sleep that she would not be able to while she was awake? These are all strange ways to begin a day.
So from here I got out of bed and left the guest room that we have been sleeping in since our house is being remodeled. I walked across the moon lit lawn to our house. Once I got to the house I poured myself a bowl of corn flakes. As I emptied the box I realized the call of the morning. So I proceeded to the fire place and lit the cereal box on fire. As I watched it burn and wondered “What do abnormal people do at these times?”
But I am now happy to report that tonight I will be back in the house as the workers are all done plastering the walls. My room is still in need of a paint job but I at least will be able to sleep on the library floor.
Anyway I have to go as I have a strange need to flip my Bic!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall