Three Religiions

Facing the wall
Allegations and other questionable truths
On Nov 11, 2007, at 8:29 PM,
I wasn't tryin' to put no "skinny" on Oprah. Alls I's sayin' is the girl needs a few stripes in the wall paper behind her, well.... that and a reinforced floor underneath her. Heh-heh! I hope that Dave and Sally have a good strong floor. I suggest concrete. A'yhoo you know how the ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine actually have the exct opposite affect on me than calming down. But those little pills are so funny looking!
But then again you are being the cruel one by trying to put the skinny on Evo with the "fat guy documentary" comment. I guess it is ok for South American presidents to be poked in the belly but not no Gringas! I see how it is.
Lemel wrote:
Now - don't go messing with Saint Oprah!!! She don't need no skinny, she's perfect however she happens to be at the moment!!! I never would have thought you would participate in the skinnyization of American women. Go take some effedran and calm youself down.
All Evo needs now is his very own fat guy mockumentory outlining his politico-social-grammer exploits!
Rusty wrote:
Quotable quote:
-All men can be reached by flattery, even God can. (What, after all, is prayer?)
-All men can be led to believe the lie they want to believe.
-All men can be corrupted, each in his own way.
Niccolo Machiavelli
So I just finished a book that belongs to a friend of mine who does not even know that I have the book.. I have heard through the grape vine that this friend reads this book on a yearly basis. Odd! It is a good book but I think I have only read a couple of books twice in my life. The title is “The Secret of Santa Vitoria”. It is about this little town in Italy that has been growing grapes and making wine for thousands of years. The time of the book is set in the early forties during the WWII era. The story is of how the people of the town hide half a million bottles of wine from the German army who have come to confiscate it for the Reich. It is an interesting tail of different views of truth and how these views work for the best of the community and the conservation of tradition and leadership.
I also went and saw a Bolivian National movie called “Evo Pueblo”. It is basically the life story of Bolivia’s current leftist indigenous president Evo Morales. The cinematography is good as well as the music. But the problem is that they paint him out to be such a nice, sweet, sensitive, and slightly shy guy. Funny they mention nothing about his syndicate boss type leadership which is rumored to be quite brutal. Anyway, as far as the movie goes I will have to give it the same critique that Tammy gave “Harry Potter”. It complete lacked cool car chase scenes, sexy love scenes although there was the part where they showed a drunk Evo going around womanizing a bunch of cholita women. But by my standards this really did not classify as sexy. There was absolutely no Karate or martial arts of any kind. Unless you want to consider a bunch of evil looking soldiers kicking Evo in the head a form of martial art. There were no cool battle robots any where to be seen. I guess what would have made the movie better is if at the end Evo would have pealed off a mask to reveal he was really Goerge W Bush. Now that would have been a rye twist a la “Usual Suspects” but perhaps everybody would have seen that one coming.
But it is a good movie to create the cult of personality that every socialist leader needs to endear him to the masses. A few in the list that were popular for doing these type of things would be Mao, Stalin, Castro, and even Hitler with “Mien Kompf”. So I have just come to calling the movie “Evo huevo”
Now moving on to other things I have finally decided to reveal to you the life and times of my good buddy Rev. Gym. Here we have compiled a sort of time line of his life. This is so one can understand different aspects of R.G. as he is further brought up in future blogs. So with out further ado:
The Life and Times of Rev. Gym
-circa 1962 Born. Sired by “Waldo” the webbed foot circus performer from Czechoslovakia who impregnated a local-yokel young lady in Western Australia on his third “World Victory” tour. His tour stops included some small piss-ass village in the Czech Republic; Perth, Australia; Branson, Mo; and Lodi CA. They say he met his end somewhere in Idaho from some strange ailment he picked up in Mongolia or was it the Midlands, England?
1962-1967 It is said he was raised by wild dingo’s in the Australian Out Back.
1967-1970 Enrolled in the French Foreign Legion ROTC in the City of Perth.
1978 moved to Southern California, USA for rumors of constant run-ins with the Australian food and drug administration for trying to find a cheap substitute for vegemite.
1980 Lost his virginity to a wild-eyed hobo woman in the LA river wash way after she promised him the “world and all the gold he could eat’
1981 R.G. had legal problems as he tried to claim the copy rights to the Cama Sutra based on his experiences in the LA River.
1984-88 was on a series of previously mentioned (in other bogs) television game shows in which he won considerable amount of money only to squander the money on lawyers
1990 Gym was ordained by the Church of the Holy (whatcha-ma-call-it) in Modesto California via mail to order out of the news paper where by earning his tidal Rev. His states that he wanted to do this because it was his life dream to perform a mass babtism. Who can blame him?
Currently he lives as my neighbor here in Bolivia raising South American gerbils for the purpose of games of chance. He is also very athletic. Right now he is training and tanning for is first Ultimate Cage fight for which he will be going to Las Vegas for next februrary. He promised me when he gets back from his trip he will let me go mask shopping with him you know those things that fit tight around ones skull and make your lips pooch out the mouth hole.. I am going to try and get him to go with the blue with gold tubing.
If you have noticed any glaring omissions they will be brought up in future blogs. They can also be addressed by comments from me and/or the readers.
I would also like to welcome Dave and Sally to the blog list. Apparently they have been chosen to be finalist in the Oprah Winfrey “Cool House Contest” or something. This is a house that Dave and Sally built together. We all hope that this goes really well for Dave and Sally as they deserve to win. Perhaps they can make Oprah look thinner when she comes over for dinner after they win the first prize by my simple suggestion. I suggest whatever room Oprah is going to be filmed in that Dave and Sally put up wall paper with longitudinal stripes. It will make her look really skinny good. Seriously though we all wish you the best. Record the show for us as we do not get Oprah on this edge of sanity…. I mean the planet.