
Take a look at the world through my eyes.

The Disclaimer

I must apologize for the lack of congruency of some of these blogs. I actually started writing these at the beginning of 2006. These were only blogcasted through a closed circuit of e-mail friends who every now and then responded. I tried to keep as many responses as possible. But unfortunately many have been lost. This at times will make some blogs seem kind of chopped up.
If you are offended or insulted by the content of any of these blogs, my apologies. But then again, perhaps it is just what you needed!
Also if you find your name in any of these blogs I am obviously talking about somebody else with the same name. You’re not the center of the universe you know. Gaud!!!
Proper spelling is not something that I have ever really understood. I really do not know how this particular activity ever came into existence. Therefore I do not participate.

The Blog Cast

All blogs written by the author are broadcast via e-mail. If you are interested in getting "The Blog Cast" please contact Rusty at rustyfirestone@gmail.com so he can add you to the list.

Rusty the Baby

Rusty the Baby
My first blog!

Three Religiions

Three Religiions
Facing the wall

July 27th, 2008; Weekend random movie review “Might of been Utah”

So I just finished watching “Raising Arizona” with Nick Cage, Holly Hunter and a whole cast of others. This was a movie that I have not seen since I was a kid. I was surprised to see how much I enjoyed it. Of course it was a Cohen Brothers so how could you go wrong! It really did take me back to my redneck roots of which I am so proud of. “Ooooooweeee…..SOMbitch!” The prison scenes also sent me back to my own days in the clink. Ah yes those long sessions of me and my cell mate reading Tolstoy to each other and then taking turns at copying from the dictionary. But my fondest memories are those long hours after lock down and lights out when we used to lay there and invent word math problems. Aaah these are memories that you can’t take away from me. Enough of my Stienbeck-inian up bringing! I also saw Batman last weekend. I figure the real difference between these 2 films is the fact that all the actors in “Raising Arizona” are still alive even if the movie is a quarter of a century old! Not that I did not like Batman it is just that my joints started to stiffen by the time the credits started rolling. I am proud of the fact though that I sat through the whole thing though. Films like any of the Harry Potter’s or the last “Spider Man” did not get this prestigious honor. For some of you that may not know I have a bad habit on just walking out of the theater half way through many films. But not Batman! I think I did not leave because I was waiting for the chariot race. If you have not yet seen the movie yet I do not mean to ruin the flick for you but there is no chariot race. Apparently that was a different Duracell movie.
So to sum things up, I give “Semi Pro” with Will Ferrell and Woody Harilson a “2 thumbs up”.
