I just wanted to say “Thanks” to the gang down from CCCLA. BTW Gail I think I heard someone say (about you) that they were going “to cut off a piece and take a bite”. What the hell is that all about?!?!? Perhaps it was me that said it….who knows? I was cool to find out that Erika and I are both big “Doyer” baseball fans. I am still waiting for my jersey. Which reminds me. I have been playing all day on that damn “Noentiendo ®” set ever sense ya left D. Lopez! Que huevada…huevon! Be that as it may I hope that Kelly-aquin is settling back into her AA meetings since she has gotten back to LA. As for Han(d)sy I think that Autumn is right in saying that what you are really missing about Bolivia is Eliaquin (spelled E-l-i-a-q-u-i-n) and his constant pulling on that long hose all day long. Speaking of Autumn everybody is still talking about the Home Coming Princess/Prom Queen but definitely not like all the soldier boys are still talking about Casey all over the base! All this about girls… I am still trying to remember if it was a male cheerleader or female cheerleader from Arizona State that was in that story about Matt? And how many were there? I am not going to say much about Dr. Rudy Patel accept that that anchor woman that you called a bitch and then later repented cuz she was really hot keeps on calling asking about “that sweet guy who wags his head while he sings Persian love songs all the time”. That Rudy is so hot right now! The kids have been missing you Chris. Specially Thomas. He has been asking when you are going to get him on American Idol and if you think that he would have a chance. He is pretty good with a sling shot.
Also to clear my conscience I must say that I will never,,,, ever…again sneak into a Bolivian boy’s bathroom with Brenda and Kelly again. That place was friggin’ nasty…. specially at the Cochabamba fair grounds! I can also say that the gerbils living in my back yard feel much more at ease without Irene constantly chasing them around the garden….thank you very much! And last but not least Dr. Henry, Tammy says she misses talking theology and about God issues with you.
So there it is folks! Give a round of applause the CCCLA group!
Steady as she blows!
FeO2 “El Juevudo"
Three Religiions

Facing the wall