So I decided to go through the Rusty albums again and as usual I was embarrassed at what I found. But instead of turning my back on my past I decided to embrace it and accept who I am. So I have made a fun game of this for you. (One of Rusty’s social enhancement activities). The game is to find the picture that is the most irreparably emotionally damaging to the viewers mental conscious.
You may laugh, you may smile, and you may get board and want to go make your self a sandwich.
So now I leave you with one more quote from Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy
“If you go to a costume party at your boss's house, wouldn't you think a good costume would be to dress up like the boss's wife? Trust me, it’s not”
Good luck to you! I will await your answers
PS I must apologies in front of all to Tammy of whom I have committed the unpardonable transgression of scraping all the nuts off the top of the "Fudgie Wudgie" brand fudge. I am soooooo sorry!
So here are the responses to my last blog:
Lisa wrote: “Very cute! I also noticed your baby dolls on the floor!”
Rusty wrote: “Those ‘baby dolls’ happened to get me through high school, college, and most of life in general! Thank you very much.”
Jim Lopez wrote: “I remember you flopping as you were pounded by the waves, trying to stay on that atomic capsule of a board.”
Rusty wrote: “Dude wasn’t that the day that you asked me to help you take off your winter suit (that was at that point stuck around your ankles) while lying on your back in the grass with your legs up in the air? To steady myself I had to plant my foot on your crotch to pull the opposite direction of said anatomy. I remember your eyes bulging out of your head almost as much as your little red testis out on each side of my foot. BTW who the hell wears tighty-whities under neoprene? (besides you of course) Hey you owe me a signed copy of your newly published book.
You should meet my other friend that has the same name as you. His name is Rev. Gym Yurika (pronounced “you-reek-uh”). He is kind of a false profit though…..but in a good way. So Rev. Gym Yurika the “False Profit” meet Jim Lo “the After Glow”.
Daryle wrote: “Nice, Rusty, nice. How did you save your work on that? “
Rusty wrote: “Shut up Daryle!”
Oh yes I almost forgot…the answer to the game of “find the picture that is the most irreparably emotionally damaging to the viewers” is……the one of “Rusty the Arteest”. In this picture I am not wearing any pants! Nobody got it right. Ha-ha!
Three Religiions

Facing the wall