Last night Tammy aroused me from what seemed to be a disturbed sleep. (As I am usually easily aroused…so I am told.) She then explained to me that I was whimpering and growling in my sleep. I must say that this is not a usual habit of mine. A’hoo, after I was awoke I lay there with lingering visions of walking down and a cold, dark, eerie, La Paz street in the middle of the night. Then all of the sudden being attacked by dozens of street urchins with sky masks on. At first they just wanted to shine my shoes but then upon finding out I was wearing my father-in-laws pink neoprene deck slippers (not shine able) violence insured. I had to start to fight them off left and right “Street Fighter” style! And to tell you the truth I was not doing too bad waving my hands around and doing my Bruce Lee “oooooOOOooooOOOoo”. But while I was in the middle of opening up a Can-o-Wup-Ass Tammy decided that I had had enough and woke me up just in the middle of my moment of glory. But then I felt the churning of the partially digested vittles of insanity from the orient!
This is the first dream that I remember since the last time I ate Indean food with my friends Gym and his wife. That last time I had actually stayed at their house to take a nap. In my fitful slumber there I dreamed that I went to hell. Like I said before, it was not all as bad as it is always chalked up to be by most western religiosity. It is like going to visit your cousins on the farm when you were fifteen and cool. First the smell kind of annoys ya then the next thing ya know you’re making out with your cousin in the hay-loft and for some reason it does not matter that she is 20 years older than you with 5 kids of her own. “Fucked up” you might say, but remember it IS hell.
Three Religiions

Facing the wall